Technology in classical antiquity

Did you ever taste the mechanical wonders of classical antiquity? Are you eager to dive into the brilliant minds of the ancient world?


Would you like to surprise the members of your association, your employees, students or friends with an original idea?


Then enter with your class the Greco-Roman study room. Or amaze the visitors of your event with the technical ingenuity of the ancient architect.


Please scroll down to see the didactical themes, or navigate directly to Target audience to see how the ancient technology can enrich your lessons or event.

Within an authentic-looking framework, we embark on a voyage through the world of Greek and Roman technology. We avoid modern screen projections and encounter unique reproductions that revive the past.


With hundreds of replicas of the inventions of yesteryear and technical plans on papyrus, leather and parchment, we walk along the successive technological innovations.


We see knowledge building up and evolving, sometimes getting lost and being rediscovered, or stagnating for centuries before being revived.


The content of the following web pages are foretastes, the scope of the didactical story and the accompanying material is considerably larger.

Didactical themes


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