About me

- Fonny (Alfons) Heyrman, Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen)
- Supplementary study in the informatics (University of Antwerp)
- Educational master
- With a broad general interest (biology, network security, ...)
- Professional: 'System design' engineer, telecommunication (internetrouter/CPE, internetprotocols) (Alcatel/Thomson/Technicolor/Vantiva)
Alter ego from antiquity: Gnaeus Lucilius Procillus, mensor/architectus
Place of residence: Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
In my spare time I like to read and work on didactical or writing projects which bring different disciplines together.
Technology in classical antiquity (2014-present)
Since 2014 I have been studying technology in antiquity, correlating also knowledge from before and after classical antiquity. And this is what this website is about. Below you can find some previous educational projects.
Hackers in computers and in nature (2008-2014)
Work-wise I have been closely involved in internet security and entered the creative world of the hacking community. For several years I made a comparative study between computer and network security versus how plants and animals defend themselves.
Diving gear versus evolutionary adaptations in nature (2001-2008)
As a member of the diving club of Temse, I have been studying for a long time the analogies between diving gear and similar evolutionary adaptations in nature. For example, how do divers navigate, and how do animals navigate underwater? Divers regulate their buoyancy mainly with their buoyancy compensator and their lungs (Archimedes' law). But how do plants and animals regulate their buoyancy in the water? The result was a series of lessons.
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